Taxes are the Price of Living in a Civilized Society

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Editorial Review of Paul Thornton's "Pledge to America" Assessment

With political polarization at an all time high and voters desperate for change in an abysmal economy, each party is struggling to gain a secure foothold in voter support for the upcoming November elections.  Accordingly the GOP has been working hard to identify its policies and agendas for 2011, and did so in the highly discussed “A Pledge to America”.  The Los Angeles Times’ Paul Thornton took time to dissect this “pledge” from a different angle in today’s editorial, “The Republican 'Pledge': Who does the GOP think Americans are?”. 

This is a very interesting new look into the assumptions of party politics without getting caught up in endless policy discussions.  Thornton’s assesments of the all to common fear driven jargon that has continued to consume the right wing is right on point.  I espicailly liked his coments on the assumptions of many Republicans that come November, Tea Party supporters are automaticly going to be Republican supproters.  This is an idea that I believe could prove to be devistating to Republican hopes, much like in the recent Delaware elections.  Thornton also discusses that while recent polls show that the majority of respodants would vote Republican, that this is not nessiccarily because of party or value based ideals.  Instead voter have shown their allegiences to be with economic policies and promises.

This is a brief, but well writen, editorial with an insightful outlook on a topic that is moving to the front of the political world.  I hope you enjoy it, and take some time to read the different party policies and agendas before making your decision.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Desperate Times… The Texas Governors Race

    As the old saying goes “Desperate times call for desperate measures”, this may also prove to be true in our states upcoming elections.  For the over a decade there have been a few things in Texas that can always be counted on; April showers, August heat,the Cowboys looking great right up until the playoffs start, and Governor Rick Perry sitting on the hill. 

            Well, April saw plenty of showers, and August was defiantly hot, but according to the New York Times former Houston Mayor, Dem. Bill White, may have something to say about Governor Perry’s seat on the hill.  According to New York Times political analysts, White has now closed the gap on Gov. Perry to within 6% in all poles, giving Democrats hope for a victory in what is consistantly a very conservative state.     

            So why the sudden change, where did this sudden support come from? It has been sparked by same events that have driven our country to so adamantly seek change in the governing bodies of our nation, the recession.  When times get tough the people look for new leadership, something that Bill White promises to give but something that Governor Perry warns against.  Perry remains ever insistent over the successes of his conservative policies and is avidly Anti-Obama in almost all matters.  Former Mayor White, on the other hand, is a slightly more than conservative democrat, one who is very supportive of the recent Recession Act legislation and wishes to use more policies like those to help boost the waning Texas economy.  While White’s victory is still considered to be a long shot, it’s still a shot, and one that Democratic Party members are still a little skittish to hop on board.

            This is a very well written segment that provides all the usual mud that tends to follow modern politics but also some of their policy and political history.  I urge that everyone reads this article and does research into the options that are on the table in the upcoming election.


Important decisions should never be made uninformed…Take time and learn about the issues before making this one…

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Giving The Man His Dues....

     Glenn Beck... One of the most polarizing figures in politics today, his over dramatic and often soap opera-esk antics have made him a right wing hero and the face of “evil” for most democrats and liberals. I myself tend to fall into the later; I find his antics and rants to be nothing more than cheap, poorly thought out, short sighted divisive rhetoric. With that being said, I fully expected his recent Restoring Honor Rally to be another all day Tea Party convention. Yet for all the expectations, the visions of anti-Obama, anti-Democrat, "the way it used to be" chants never came to be. While still clearly conservatively and christian based, Mr. Beck and the other speakers stayed true to their promise of avoiding any purely political agendas. Instead they focused more the idea of restoring traditional religious and moral values, and warned of the possible consequences facing our country if we fail to do so.
     To be honest I really only have one major complaint about the event; I believe that the choice of time and location for this rally was unbelievably disrespectful and nothing more than a “Head Line” stunt. For the individuals involved to schedule the event on the anniversary of the Civil Rights March is degrading and insulting to the legacy and memory of Rev. King and all those who took part in what was clearly one of the defining moments in our nations history.

     With all things considered though, I really must give Glenn Beck his dues I thought much too less of him prior to this event to take any statements or promises given by him even remotely serious. He showed a great deal more restraint and consideration than I gave him credit for,

… and for that Mr. Beck I applaud you, well atleast until the next time we have to endure another teary-eyed Fox News highlight.