Taxes are the Price of Living in a Civilized Society

Friday, December 10, 2010

Abortion: The Choice to Choose

     In this Blog the Author, Mary Klingman, voices her opinion on the topic of abortion and a woman’s right to privacy.  She gives a through of the history of this controversial topic and of the major parties and precedents, i.e. Roe V. Wade, involved in the struggle over the legality of abortion.  She takes a very intelligent common sense stance on her support of a woman’s right to choose, and gives a number of supporting facts and ideas to explain them.  I especially liked one line in the blog that was in reference to the roles of religious organizations and beliefs in this struggle, “We can not simply outlaw abortion based on a group's moral values”.  This is a well written and thought out read that I could not agree more with, read it yourself at:

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